Calming Election Anxiety with Emily Fletcher, Founder of Ziva Meditation
Here on Off the Gram, we do our best to help people make sense of wellness in the greater context of the socio-cultural landscape, and perhaps no week is it more important than this one. With the election coming up tomorrow, we all recognize that so much is at stake. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, it is clear that the world is in turmoil and we’re all just looking for some peace a healing on so many levels. We are beyond grateful to welcome Emily Fletcher to the show today. Emily, founder of Ziva Meditation and best-selling author of “Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance,” shares with us some ways to quell our election anxiety, including leading us through a brief guided meditation to help us get at least one foot on the path to inner peace amidst these chaotic times. See for privacy and opt-out information.