BTP14: How to Nail the Celtic Cross Every Time
It might be the most popular Tarot spread, but the Celtic Cross is also one of the most difficult spreads to master. Many Tarot beginners find themselves reading the Celtic Cross card-by-card, rather than discovering the meaningful connections between the Tarot cards. And many Tarot readers get overwhelmed by the sheer number of, losing sight of the bigger picture and the deeper message contained within a Celtic Cross Tarot reading. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Once you know how and when to use this powerful Tarot spread, the Celtic Cross begins to come ‘alive’. You reveal the rich tapestry of insight that is woven into this popular spread. And you uncover the deeper truths about the challenges and issues you may be facing. In this Biddy Tarot Podcast episode, I’ll show you how to nail the Celtic Cross every time. Here's what I cover: When NOT to use the Celtic Cross The essentials of each position of the Celtic Cross The deeper connections and pairings within this 10-card spread How to use the Celtic Cross for personal exploration and insight How to simplify this often complicated Tarot spread Plus, make sure you download the free PDF cheatsheet to guide you through the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread - Let's do it…