2615 - Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap With Reparations w/ William Sandy Darity Jr. & Play-by-Play of Sam's Steven Crowder Debate

Sam and Emma host Duke University Economist Sandy Darity to discuss his latest book, From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century on addressing the racial wealth gap in America. After covering the modern state of the stratification, they look into the origins of the racial wealth gap, stemming from the establishment of the union in 1776 and the federal policy that redistributed indigenous lands to white families as a part of the settler-colonial project. Then, Professor Sandy Darity walks through how U.S. policy promoting white wealth accumulation went from land acquisition to homeownership as we moved into the 20th century, how federal housing policies and the GI Bill saw the continuation of this stratification, and why these issues caused by federal policy must be solved with federal policy. They follow that up with a discussion on the failures of universal socialist policy in addressing the wealth divide, and why solutions such as direct cash are more effective than indirect attempts such as college investments, before touching on the nation’s failure to “de-confederatize,” and why an educational project is a necessary part of the reparation program. The interview is rounded out by covering the theoretical divisiveness of reparations, whether or not it interferes with class-focused socialist projects, and they look into the slow but sure rise in reparation support among white Americans. Emma and Sam finish off the free half with the expansion of medicare that occurred during the pandemic, and look into Sinema’s excuse that democracy means we shouldn’t pass legislation.

And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma bask in the glory of Stephen Crowder’s pitch-perfect performance in the H3 debate, surpassing even the crew’s wildest dreams, and thank Crowder and his staff for the unwavering support of the MR program. Walking through the highlights, Sam and Emma touch on Crowder’s “we don’t know who you are” excuse (which he made sure to back up with research on who Sam is), Sam attempts to normalize podcast hosts wielding samurai swords, and the crew tries to comprehend Crowder’s best blows, from to name dropping Noam Chomsky among conservatives that won’t debate Sam to uhh calling Sam a woman. The fun half finishes with a fantastic call from Brandon from NC, certified Louder with Crowder Mugholder, covering why Crowder’s fanbase would, indeed, like to see him debate Sam Seder, plus, your calls and IMs!

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