Dorota Stanczyk - Acceptance is the Key to Self-Love
In this episode, my amazing friend Dorota Stanczyk opens up in the most courageous form of surrender, only to demonstrate that she is nothing short of a warrior. This is a very personal episode loaded with wisdom.Dorota is a Polish transformational artist, creative director, conscious creativity trainer, speaker and writer. Her passion is to combine fine arts with personal growth. Dorota has worked with brands that include Christian Dior and Sony, and her alent has been recognized through numerous industry awards. After 10 years of working in Visual Arts, Dorota created MoonKava, a conceptual agency that combines digital and physical arts to create innovative designs and projects.Listen as we discuss: Overcoming a 'people-pleasing' nature Dealing with lifelong feelings of rejection from a loved one How psychological distress manifests into chronic physical illness How self-acceptance cured the supposedly incurable Dorota's view that reality happens "from us, not to us" Overcoming childhood traumas The texture, temperature, and color of self-acceptance The power of surrender Why forfeiting desire is the only way to eradicate the feeling that something is missing Instagram: @mo_gawdatFacebook: @mo.gawdat.officialTwitter: @mgawdatLinkedIn: /in/mogawdatConnect with Dorota Stanczyk on Facebook, Instagram @dorotastanczykart and her website dorotastanczyk.comDon't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Monday and Thursday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy.