Anne Therese Gennari - Disrupting the Modeling Industry for a Better World

In this episode of Slo Mo, I speak with my friend Anne Therese Gennari, an ex-model, entrepreneur, sustainability coach, and stubborn believer in collective, positive change. In 2017, she co-founded Role Models Management, a talent agency that puts ethics, sustainability, and social justice at its core and gives models a voice to speak up about things they believe in, demonstrating that empowered models can help shift pop-culture in the direction needed for a better world.Anne Therese's spirit is contagious, and she is an unabashed believer in the power of the individual to change the world. I first met her when she invited me onto her own podcast, Hey Change, via a totally random Facebook Friend Request. I quickly discovered that she is an entrepreneurial force who does not see a divide between business and the desire to do good.Listen as we discuss: Her own journey as a model and subsequent disillusionment with the state of the industry Her charge to found a modeling agency that focused on turning models into real role models The interesting notion that models aren't really models from the engineering point of view How she was inspired by the #MeToo movement to tell her own story as a victim of sexual harassment Why optimism is a crucial complement to the very real warnings surrounding climate change Instagram: @mo_gawdatFacebook: @mo.gawdat.officialTwitter: @mgawdatLinkedIn: /in/mogawdatConnect with Anne Therese Gennari on Instagram @annetheresegennari and @rolemodelsmgmtDon't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Monday and Thursday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy.

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