You Deserve To Forgive Yourself
Books by Bianca ➝ In this episode, Bianca challenges us to be gentle with ourselves and our journey, by accepting our own forgiveness. During these past few months in quarantine and self-isolation, we have finally had time to slow down and reflect on who we are and what we've been through. By learning to forgive ourselves for what we may have put our hearts through in the past, we are able to appreciate the hurdles we've crossed and become hopeful for what our future holds. “Forgive yourself for doing whatever you had to do to ensure that you made it to see another day. It is okay if you hid from the world. It is okay if you weren't as productive as you needed to be. It is okay if you let relationships slip, or if you let yourself slip. It is okay if you felt depressed or sad or anxious, as you navigated your healing. It is okay. However you fought your wars, whatever got you here today is valid.” — Bianca Sparacino • Follow Bianca on Instagram ♥ • Follow us on TikTok • Subscribe to In Your Feelings on Spotify • Subscribe to In Your Feelings on iTunes • Sign up for B's Newsletter to receive podcast subscriptions, updates and more • Buy Thoughtful Books, Apparel, Home Decor a Other Creative Goods • Download our App