004 - Antonio Olmos
Antonio Zazueta Olmos was born in Mexicali, Mexico. At the age of 12 his family moved to Fresno, California where he spent his formative years. He went on to take a degree in Photojournalism at California State University before moving to the other side of the country to spend 3 happy years on the Miami Herald. Since then, as a passionate and socially conscious photojournalist, working on issues concerning human rights, the environment and conflict, he has travelled all over the world, including The Americas, The Middle East and Africa. Twenty years ago he arrived in London for a short visit, started getting commissioned immediately and never left. He works regularly for the Guardian and Observer Newspapers. On January 1st 2011, he began working on what was to become his first book, The Landscape of Murder, in which he methodically documented the sites of all 210 murders that took place in London over a 2 year period. In Episode 004, Antonio discusses: Formative years in Fresno, California; A love of learning; Happy days on the Miami Herald; Returning to Mexico for the Black Star agency; News and wire photography; Shooting portraits; and The Landscape of Murder project