121 - The Garbage Plate w/ Dave Sarachan
Holy smokes! The manager of the US Men's National Team is on our show and we are losing our minds. Dave Sarachan joins the show to discuss the state of American soccer and how he feels about missing out on The World Cup in 2018. Funny and interesting conversation and then we talk to him about food obviously, because Alexis Guerreros is obviously on the show. Segment 1: The Brooklyn Studio has come to the MSG Studio! Segment 2: Interview w/ Dave Sarachan (USMNT Interim Manager) Segment 3: MLS Playoffs have returned and we can barely recognize them! Matches: CLBvTOR HOUvSEA Sponsored by SeatGeek. Go to seatgeek.com or the SeatGeek app and use the promo code "COOLIGANS" for $20 off your first order! @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans