102 - Parting The Hudson River w/ Mark Fishkin
This week we are joined by Mark Fishkin of Seeing Red NY. Mark is an MLS OG. He's been covering the Metrostars/Red Bulls since their inception. NY has a new team in MLS and the fans of both teams have had their issues with each other, but we are here to help start the healing process. Segment 1: The Stormzy/Lukaku mishap + #Dom4Russia Segment 2: Interview with Mark Fishkin (@markfishkin) of Seeing Red NY (patreon.com/seeingreddaily) Segment 3: Brazil's Third Division is NSFW + MLS & US Open Cup MLS Matches: ATL v SJ NE v RBNY LA v RSL SJ v LA (USOC) COOLIGANS T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE NOW AT ONTHEVOLLEYAPPAREL.COM! USE PROMO CODE "COOLIGANS" FOR 20% OFF ON ALL GEAR!