092 - Chopped Cheese w/ Matthew Doyle (MLS Analyst)
On today's podcast we talk to Matthew Doyle of mlssoccer.com. You've definitely seen Matthew as MLS Analyst in the Analyst's Den. Matthew knows everything about MLS, so we obviously spend a lot of time talking to him about food. Segment 1: Soccer Birthday Boys MLS Breakdown: SEA v NE RBNY v CHI ATL v DC CLB v NYC TODAY'S EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY HOWLER MAGAZINE subscribe at shop.howlermagazine.com and use promo code "COOLIGANS" FOR 20% OFF **We have a new weekly series on Youtube called "FIFA The News" which you should watch on our channel youtube.com/soccercooligans. New episodes every Friday. @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans