090 - AirBNB All-Stars
The MLS has announced the opponent for the MLS All-Star game! It's the unknown mid-table club from La Liga, Real Madrid. Yes, we know it's quite an obscure choice, but we are still pretty excited. We will try our best to get the All-Star game this year and we hope we get to meet the Ronaldo bust! Segment 1: MLS All-Star game + Timmy Howard gets detention MLS Breakdown: PHI v NYC, MTL v ATL, ORL v LA, CLB v TOR Break: Go to onthevolleyapparel.com for great soccer inspired gear. Use promo code "COOLIGANS" for 20% off and you will be helping support our show! Segment 2: Why is Jermaine Jones marking Cyle Larin? COME TO NY FEST AT BROOKLYN BRIDGE PARK PIER 5 ON 4/23 TO SEE US HOSTING THIS VERY FUN EVENT FOR CHARITY. SOCCER + CELEBRITIES + THE COOLIGANS! MORE INFO AT NYFEST.ORG **We have a new weekly series on Youtube called "FIFA The News" which you should watch on our channel youtube.com/soccercooligans. New episodes every Friday. @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans