070 - Jimmy Conrad Tells All

Jimmy Conrad sits down with the Cooligans, live at Upper 90 Brooklyn brought to you by Mack Weldon and libations provided by Braven Brewery, for a hilarious and no-holds-barred discussion on the state of US Soccer, USMNT, MLS, etc. If you like and/or are frustrated by American soccer, this is the episode for you. Subscribe to Jimmy's Youtube Channel for some great soccer content at youtube.com/thejimmyconrad Sponsored by Mack Weldon Underwear - USE PROMO CODE "COOLIGANS" FOR 20% OFF We're on Patreon! If you like this podcast or any of the videos we make, please consider supporting by becoming a Patron. Patreon allows you to support our work by giving a small monthly donation. Patrons will have access to exclusive content and other rewards. You can give whatever you like and every little bit helps us continue making this show! Go to patreon.com/soccercooligans to join! @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans

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