The Risks Worth Taking with Kinfolk Jon
On this episode of Reaching New Heights, we are joined by Kinfolk Jon, raised in New Orleans and New Mexico, Kinfolk is an Artist, Music Producer and Songwriter. He is most notably known for his work with the Xanarchy collective of Lil Xan and $teven Cannon. In this episode, we discuss the journey that Kinfolk endured to get to where he is now. Coming from a small Mexican family and moving to Los Angeles on his own with nothing but a dream, Kinfolk shares and provides real insight to what it’s like to never give up. Having lived in a studio with his music producing partners, working at a tourist gift shop and dealing with the passing of his best friend just as they were gaining real traction in the industry - Kinfolk shares the essence of perseverance and what it means to never give up. As always strive to Reach New Heights! If you enjoyed this check out @kinfolkjon and @meganwgallagher on Instagram. See for privacy and opt-out information.