The Power of Believing in Yourself with Nicole Balsamo
On this episode of Reaching New Heights, we are joined by world renowned photographer, Nicole Balsamo. Born and raised in the midwest, Nicole successfully launched her wedding photography business before moving to LA and finding even more elevation not only in her endeavors but also in her faith and spirituality. In this episode we discuss Nicole’s upbringing in Michigan and how simply believing in yourself can put you on the path to success! Nicole is a multi-talented woman and had a run in the music industry before facing some troubling times. She lays out what it’s like to face hardships, overcome obstacles and redefine yourself to become a better and stronger version of who you want to be. As always strive to Reach New Heights! If you enjoyed this check out @nicolebalsamophoto and @meganwgallagher on Instagram. See for privacy and opt-out information.