Episode 19 (Halftime): What is Halftime?
The first episode of Halftime launches as host Adam Martin talks about what Halftime is and why Makers of Sport Podcast is integrating this series into the show along with the interviews. He reveals the goals for the series and a few future topics including impostor syndrome, freelance pricing, the “like” drug and more.
Mentions include:
Jim Host, Sports Business Entrepreneur
Roy Kidd, Former Football Coach of EKU
USA Today Great State Showdown
Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink
The latest interview show was supposed to be Aaron Masik, however, he recently moved from the San Antonio Spurs to the San Diego Padres so his interview will be postponed until later in the spring. Therefore the next guest on Episode 20 will be Ted Irvine, Design Director of Vox Media.
Be sure to follow Adam on twitter (@TAdamMartin) or Dribbble, as well as the show (@MakersofSport).