MahaVakyas | Great Utterances of Hindu Wisdom

The Mahavakyas are the Great Sentences of Advaita Vedanta and Jnana Yoga, and are contained in the Upanishads. Maha is Great, and Vakyas are sentences, or utterances for contemplation. The contemplations on the Mahavakyas also blend well with the practices of yoga meditation, prayer, and mantra... To truly understand the meaning of theMahavakyas it is necessary to practice contemplation and meditation in your own inner laboratory of stillness and silence. Brahma satyam jagan mithya - God/Spirit is eternally real, the objects of the material world are only temporarily real, (yet) Ekam evad vitiyam brahma - there is one eternal reality without any division. Prajnanam Brahman - The supreme knowledge is to know that eternal oneness through direct experience. Ayam Atma Brahma - the individual is one and the same as the absolute reality; like the wave is a part of the ocean. Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma - all of this, including me, is the one eternal reality; the wave and the ocean are one. Aham Brahmasmi - who I really am the core of my being is that eternal oneness; Tat Tvam Asi - that eternal oneness is the essence of who you are (also).

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