23. Fashion & the Body in Casta Paintings With Babelito
Joy and Jasmine talk to Babelito from Latinos Who Lunch about 18th-century Casta paintings, artworks based on the hierarchical system of racial classification in New Spain. In this podcast crossover, Joy, Jasmine and Babelito analyze the depiction of the body and fashion in four Casta paintings from Mexico. Check out our Instagram @unravelpodcast or our website: unravelpodcast.com for images Figure 1. Miguel Cabrera (Mexican, 1695-1768), De español e indio, Mestizo, 1763. Oil on Canvas Figure 2. Francisco Clapera (Spanish born, 1746-1810), De Espanol, e India, nace Mestiza, c. 1775. Denver Art Museum. Gift of the Collection of Frederick and Jan Mayer Figure 3. Francisco Clapera (Spanish born, 1746-1810), De Gibaro, y Mulata, Tente en el ayre, c. 1775. Denver Art Museum. Gift of the Collection of Frederick and Jan Mayer Figure 4. Ignacio María Barreda (Mexican 1750-1800), The Mexican Castes (Las castas mexicanas), 1777. Oil on canvas. Madrid, Spain You can find Babelito & Latinos Who Lunch here at http://www.latinoswholunch.com and on Instagram @babelito & Twitter @latinoswholunch Resources Casta Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casta Katzew, Ilona. Casta Painting: Images of Race in Eighteenth-century Mexico. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005. Donate to our GoFundMe Costume Society of America Dana will be at the Makers & Mentors event at NMAI where teens and young adults can learn about podcasting and textile conservation.