16. Hidden Figures: Period Costume & Nerd Fashion
In this episode we discuss Hidden Figures, the movie, and the courageous African-American women of NASA. The bio-pic reveals the untold story of Katharine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson’s brilliant contributions to the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. We have a few opinions on costume choices, the patriotism of NASA, and the narrative liberties taken with this true story. Since we are going to talk about the plot, production and the true story behind Hidden Figures - you’ve been warned, spoilers be ahead! You can purchase the book that inspired the film here: https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Figures-American-Untold-Mathematicians/dp/006236359X Articles http://fashionista.com/2017/01/hidden-figures-costumes http://variety.com/2017/artisans/production/nasa-hidden-figures-costumes-1201951915/ http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/forgotten-black-women-mathematicians-who-helped-win-wars-and-send-astronauts-space-180960393/ Visit us below for images and fashion: Instagram: @unravelpodcast Twitter: @unravelpodcast Facebook: www.facebook.com/unravelpodcast/