020: Jia Tolentino. Girlboss Culture. Our Online Identities.

“Selfhood is the economic engine of the Internet” – so says Jia Tolentino, staff writer at the New Yorker, and author of Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion, a razor-sharp collection of essays examining contemporary American culture that touches on everything from the commodification of feminism and the “nightmare” of personal branding, to the similarities between religion and MDMA, and our cultural obsession with ‘the scam’. Find out how the author of one of the most talked about books of 2019 (Trick Mirror debuted on the New York Times bestseller list at #2) has been navigating the paradox of self-promotion, her take on the ubiquity of ‘girlboss culture’, and how she manages to stay sane online. Plus – some pearls of wisdom on the art of good essay writing. Buy Trick Mirror (4th Estate), out now. Find Jia Tolentino on Twitter (@jiatolentino) and Instagram (@jiatortellini). For more career-related ideas and advice, join the Women Who community by signing up at www.womenwho.co, or follow @oteghauwagba and @womenwho on Instagram and Twitter.

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