016: Gemma Hartley. Invisible Labour. Office Housework.
“Likeability is still a huge issue for women in the workforce – they can’t just be good at what they do, they have to be likeable in the process”. Sobering words from journalist Gemma Hartley, whose new book Fed Up explores the burden of invisible labour and why it tends to fall more heavily on women both at home and in the workplace - as well as offering up practical solutions on how to better navigate it. Plus some advice for a listener who’s concerned about the lack of diversity in their office, and not sure how best to address it. Fed Up by Gemma Hartley Find Gemma Hartley on Twitter (@gemmahartley) For more career-related ideas and advice, join the Women Who community by signing up at www.womenwho.co, or follow @oteghauwagba and @womenwho on Instagram and Twitter.