Extra Dosage | Hope, Fear, Frustration and Levodopa

This is a special bonus episode of When Life Gives You Parkinson’s which we are calling “Extra Dosage.” Full episodes will be release every other Wednesday. In between, Niki and I will share new information, original interviews and extra material that provide more context to topics raised in the previous episodes of the podcast. We’ll also answer your questions. Feel free to write us with questions at parkinsonspod@curiouscast.ca.   One of the main intentions behind this podcast was to demystify the Parkinson’s experience by sharing my story, the stories of people I meet along my journey and encourage others to share their Parkinson’s stories.  When we share stories, we raise awareness of Parkinson’s, which attracts more donor dollars, to do more research, which hopefully one day will lead to finding a cure. I am encouraged from the responses I have received and am happy to report that as a community, those of us with Parkinson’s are sharing more of what we’re going through. To that end, in this Extra Dosage episode, I want to introduce you to Jim Richmond. Jim, 47, is a high school teacher and volleyball coach. He was diagnosed three years ago. Even though we are the same age and have some similar experiences, our stories are uniquely our own. I chat with Jim about symptoms, treatments, lifestyle changes, and everyday efforts to keep the disease from taking hold. After our conversation, Jim emailed to say he thought in our discussion he came across as more negative than his typical positive self. To me his story is authentic, honest and like most of us with Parkinson’s an ever adjusting mix of hope, fear, frustration and Levodopa.     If you have a comment or question about the podcast, you can email us: parkinsonspod@curiouscast.ca   Follow me, Larry Gifford  Twitter: @ParkinsonsPod Facebook: Facebook.com/ParkinsonsPod Instagram: @parkinsonspod Follow Co-host and Producer Niki Reitmeyer Twitter: @Niki_Reitmayer Thank you to Jim Redmond. For more info on our partner Parkinson Canada head to http://www.parkinson.ca/ The toll free hotline 1-800-565-3000 Or follow them on Twitter Parkinson Canada            @ParkinsonCanada Parkinson Society BC      @ParkinsonsBC Credits Dila Velazquez – Story Producer Rob Johnston – Senior Audio Producer

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