The Rise of the Janesville Jets
The Cabin is presented by the Wisconsin Counties Association and this week we’re featuring Walworth County;
The Cabin is presented by Jolly Good Soda: find them at your local grocery store and follow them on social media @jollygoodsoda;
Campfire Conversation: If there was ever a time to discuss an ice-cold sport…it’s in the middle of summer. We are excited to talk about a rising and successful hockey team coming out of Wisconsin: the Janesville Jets! Today we sit down with President of the Janesville Jets, Bill McCoshen, who discusses the nuances of the game, what the team can do for rising athletes, what the team has done for the city of Janesville, and more!
Learn more about the Janesville Jets;
Focus on Energy: Check out these tips for AC maintenance to help keep costs down and increase energy efficiency in your home;
Visit Oshkosh: Oshkosh Farmers Market features 130 vendors per week, with live music and themed events! Takes place on the 400 & 500 Blocks of N Main Street and 100 Block of Church Ave. It runs annually from June 5th thru October 30th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ;
Know Your Wisconsin: UW River Falls Dairy Pilot Plant