Unique things to do in Disneyland (without waiting in line)
It's true - there are many unique things to do in Disneyland that don't require a line Disneyland and DCA have the unique ability to be the best place in the world and the worst place, sometimes at the exact same moment. Take away the rides, the fun things to look at, the music, and the art and you are left with ... mobs of people. Navigating through a crowd can turn anyone's smile upside down, not to mention waiting in lines for rides with these people. Hearing their conversations about food and family, all while their kids crawl over every rock and swing from every pole can be enough to drive anyone to rip their earz off and head to Carthay Lounge for a nice few Manhattans. Sometimes you just need to step away from the lines and just enjoy the park, which is why we came up with a list of cool and unique things to do in Disneyland while you are on crowd cool-down. So take a moment for yourself, grab a Dole Whip, and listen to some of the things that we like to do when a line break is needed, but we still aren't ready to go home. This line for Pirates is long and terrible ...