Episode 27.1 | Bryan’s Take
Have you ever heard of an Entrepreneur talk about their partner, as Jeff talked about Liz? Liz really helped ground Jeff in making big decisions and think through his options. Bryan highlights that Liz helped Jeff because she reminded Jeff of who he is and emphasizing the importance of following your heart. Bryan discusses the take away from the episode is that it is very important to have someone who can push us in the right direction and pull us back when we’re headed the wrong direction. You can read more about this episode here: https://bwmissions.com/blog/jeff-gadway-podcast Follow Bryan Wish on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwish/ Follow Bryan Wish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryanwish_?s=11 Follow Bryan Wish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanwish_/ Join our Mission: bwmissions.com/join/ Join our Community: my.community.com/bwmissions