How To Save A Story With Bernadette Jiwa, Creator of The Story Skills Workshop
The poet Muriel Rukeyser wrote, “The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” I think, actually, it’s likely made of both … and while I can’t really claim any deep expertise in physics, I do know a little bit about the power of story-telling. A little bit. But not as much as Bernadette Jiwa who amongst other things has teamed up with Seth Godin to create a fantastic workshop on storytelling as part of his Akimbo series. Storytelling is the fabric that creates relationship and community and history. In creating history, it allows you to navigate where you are in the present, and also lay a path out to where you might be going in the future. But it’s plenty easy to tell a story poorly. A boring start, a soggy middle, an end that trails off … we’ve all been on the receiving end of that non-epic. To get beyond that, to save your story, you need a Story Scaffold, which is just what Bernadette shares in this episode. Bernadette helps people, organizations, and communities practice everyday storytelling to build resilience, trust, and connection … all critical skills to help us get through this. You can meet Bernadette at her website This show is brought to you by The Advice Trap, Michael Bungay Stanier’s latest book. You can access a wide range of tools to help #TameYourAdviceMonster at If you’d like to spend more time with Michael and people he admires, sign up for The Year of Living Brilliantly. 52 teachers over 52 weeks, each teaching one brilliant insight. Absolutely free.