Sports Parent: Life Lessons Learned in Sports (Compassion a Confidence) Bruce Brown | Inspiration | Parenting | Self-Help
What does healthy parent involvement in sports look like? What is non helpful involvement for a sports parent? What are the valuable life lessons your kids get on the field? Hear what author and speaker Coach Brown says about sports and how it can develop your child’s character. SHOW HIGHLIGHTS: Why do 70% of kids age 13-14 lose their natural love of playing an organized sport? What do kids want your involvement in sports to be? Everyone wants their kids to compete effectively in the world, but sports can help your child build character too? Hear key character building lessons that sports can offer your child. Is your kid confident on the field? If not, why not? Bruce will help you find out what you can do to help your child be confident on and off the field. What do your kids want you to do before, during, and after the game? Is the post-play analysis after the game helpful or hurtful? RESOURCES: Check out the following websites and podcasts to get you on your path URL: ABOUT OUR GUEST: Bruce Brown is a man of many talents, a multi-dimensional man in an often single dimensional world. Brown has been a Teacher, Coach, and Athletic Administrator with 35 years experience working with youth from junior high through the college level. He is the Director of Proactive Coaching, an organization which conducts workshops and furnishes materials designed to instruct coaches, parents, businesses, school districts and athletes in how they can be effective in building teams and promote character and competence. Brown has coached several sports including football and basketball and was employed by the NFL for 24 years. Brown currently travels the country giving presentations on character based coaching. He believes that developing character in our youth can help change the culture of our nation. It’s that belief that motivates this coach and educator to spend countless hours and thousands of miles on the road, speaking to athletes, parents groups, coaches and businesses. Sports, which can play a vital role in the development of our youth, is the foundation upon which Brown builds his presentation. As Brown puts it, “The culture of sport is out of perspective.” Every night on SportsCenter, we see $8-million athletes who say, “I don’t have to practice”. They have a sense of entitlement. The danger is in the trickle down effect of that attitude from the professional athlete to the 10-year-old kid. What they see affects how they react to a coach, teammate or official. Brown has produced six instructional character based coaching DVD’s and six basketball instructional DVD’s. He is the author of eight coaching books and 17 booklets. Some of his accomplishments are: * A Teacher, Coach, Athletic Administrator with 35 years experience working with youth * Director of Proactive Coaching * Coached several sports including football and basketball * Employed by the NFL for 24 years * Was the former special presenter for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics * Clinician, speaking to Athletes, Coaches, Parents, School Districts and Corporations Nationwide * NAIA National Co-Athletic Director of the Year – 2002