022: Scared Stiff — What Is Anxiety? (Part 1)
David and Fabrice answer these questions: What is anxiety? How does it differ from depression? Do anxiety and depression always go hand in hand? How does anxiety differ from healthy fear? What are the most common forms of anxiety? How common is anxiety? Anxiety, like depression, has been called the world’s oldest con. That’s because you are always fooling yourself, and buying into negative thoughts that aren’t true, when you’re feeling anxious and insecure. Dr. Burns highlights the most common cognitive distortions that trigger anxiety, and discusses the powerful role of shame in anxiety. In the next several podcasts, Dr. Burns will describe powerful, fast-acting, drug-free treatment methods that can help you defeat every type of anxiety, Including Chronic worrying Phobias Social anxiety Public speaking anxiety Shyness OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Panic attacks Agoraphobia BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) So stay tuned!