How Bats Tolerate SARS-COV + Lessons for Us Humans
Scientists at Duke University have been studying how other mammals like bats are seemingly unaffected by coronaviruses (including SARS-CoV). **This audio was stream live and is un-edited** Link to associated studies: When infected by the same viruses that land humans into the ICU and onto a ventilator, bats mount an early and robust initial immune response but don’t have the ongoing, exaggerated pro-inflammatory response that’s often fatal to us. Translation: bats have a unique way to throttle down their immunity after an initial burst. Here’s a video that’ll explain more: In humans with severe COVID-19 illness, the characteristic cytokine storm (exaggerated, pro-inflammatory response) is thought to be the driving factor behind respiratory and organ failure leading to poor outcomes and non-survival. Here are two reasons why you should care about this animal research: The immunological switch bats use to tame their inflammation is the NLRP3 inflammasome. This might sound familiar to you as ketones (BHB) have been shown to inhibit this signaling up. The interferon response (the early initial immune burst that helps bats) is reduced in individuals with nutrient deficiencies (namely vitamins A and D) and in type 2 diabetes. (This is one of the reasons behind the recent push to take vitamins A and D.)