Coronavirus: How It Gets In You (via ACE2 receptor), Who's at Increased Risk a Features of Survivors VS Non-Survivors
After reading these recent pathology reports (which found extensive lung tissue damage even prior to the onset of any symptoms) I’ve become fascinated by this highly transmissible virus. Check out the references and show notes: To help you better understand some oft overlooked details about this highly-transmissible virus and possibly better manage your risk, I’ve summarized this recently published research. Keep in mind my physician friends in the trenches have informed me this SARS-Cov2 virus doesn’t discriminate--even otherwise healthy 30 somethings are affected and can have severe disease requiring significant ICU time. That said, the published clinical characteristics show increased disease severity and mortality in older males and adults with cardiometabolic disease comorbidities. If nothing else, I hope you find these findings interesting. Stay healthy, Mike P.S. Here's links to articles, videos and more: