38 - Book of Tawheed - Sahih al-Bukhari - Abu Muadh Taqweem | Manchester

Sahih al-Bukhari – The Book of Tawheed – Lesson 38 (16/12/17) Recap of last lesson: • The names and attributes of Allah o Al-Khaaliq o Al- Baarid o Al-Musawir Today we covered: • The rulings regarding pictures that are partially finished • Issues regarding living and non-living things • Pictures with hands, feet, legs etc • Making pictures without the head • How the first Shirk came about at the time of Nuh • What to do when you see pictures of the Scholars • Rulings containing pictures of the women • Selfies, profile pictures, social media etc • The ruling regarding taking digital photographs o Sheikh Al-Fawzaan, “Do you feel safe knowing that digital photos are not from the hadeeth. If so, then that is a burden that you will have to carry on the day of judgement.” • Rulings regarding live feeds, eg facetime, skype etc • Rulings with Passports, driving licences, ID cards • Rulings with using emojis • Q+A session Benefit: To gain further understanding when we discuss the chains, follow our “Bayqooniyyah in the Sciences of Hadith” lessons on LearnAboutIslam: http://www.learnaboutislam.co.uk/2016/01/18/al-Ma’iyahndhoMa’iyahh-al-bayqooniyah/ The English translation of the hadiths and all the audio are available on: www.learnaboutislam.co.uk/bukhari Recorded at the Salafi Centre of Manchester on 16/12/17 and streamed live on www.SunnahRadio.Net

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