Episode 15 - Michael Sherlock: opposing tribes & "befriending bigots"

[Sorry for all the sound effects. Michael's neighbours were drilling and hammering, I was recording in my basement for the first (and last) time..where it turns out the mic picks up the sound of water going through the pipes] **** Here's my chat with Michael Sherlock - activist, atheist, author. We delved into some pretty interesting conversations....about 'befriending' bigots...jihadists..islamists...kkk members...people on the far right. Where do we draw the line on who we can and can't consider a 'friend'? We talk in some depth about BLM, Milo, Tommy Robinson, touch on Michael's stepping down from Vive Charlie (far-rightish leaning "atheist" magazine)...we discuss his views on Maryam Namazie, who's kind of become a controversial figure among many atheists. Enjoy! Show notes and references: BLM: http://www.dailywire.com/news/4729/toronto-black-lives-matter-co-founder-allah-give-harry-khachatrian#modal http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823 Tommy Robinson:When Tommy met Mo (Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGLuEhAkpaI Sexist, body shaming tweet to Maryam: https://twitter.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/696437489289031684 Tweet about deporting: https://twitter.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/693900260318564352 White Rights RT: https://twitter.com/NiceMangos/status/656201528517218304 White Genocide (seems the tweet has now been deleted) https://twitter.com/sunny_hundal/status/734686108437643264" Throwing Quilliam under the bus: "I used Quilliam, Quilliam used me" https://twitter.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/673603729942290433 article: Robinson claims Quilliam paid him to quit EDL http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/12/03/tommy-robinson-claims-quilliam-paid-him-to-leave-edl_n_8710834.html?1449244376&Tommy Jailed for Fraud: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-25862838False Passport: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-20935502[ "Lennon (Tommy) was jailed for assault in 2005 and also has convictions for drugs offences and public order offences, the court heard.] Link to GS Podcast: http://www.gspellchecker.com/2014/10/ep34-eiynah-tommy-robinson/ Paul Weston (Co leader of Pegida UK [Tommy's current group]) on preventing white genocide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsjc5CVujrM Vive Charlie: Michael steps down: https://twitter.com/sherlockmichael/status/705021513062227968 Joe tweets denigrating, sexist cartoon of Maryam: https://twitter.com/JihadistJoe/status/704760002569830400 A post I wrote about Jihadist Joe/Vive Charlie last year : http://nicemangos.blogspot.ca/2015/08/jihadist-joe-vive-charlie-islam.html?zx=a544e790af22efa0 --- Aasia Bibi case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Bibi_blasphemy_case ----------- Michael's Crowdfunding page for his research https://www.gofundme.com/2sebg944 -------- Please consider supporting this podcast via patreon.com/nicemangos

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