Episode 12 (part 1): Tarek Fatah

Tarek and I may agree on the basic fact that Islamism is a huge problem, that isn’t adequately being addressed….you’ll quickly see we disagree on many things as well. Starting from the weather :P But in more seriousness, I am a harsh critic of Islam, who is not a fan of generalizations against Muslims. I may be mistaken, but it seems to me that Tarek defends Islam, Mohammed while generalizing Muslims. The inverse of “attack ideas, not people” ….whut?….Join me as I try to understand…. We discuss whether backyards are a Western phenomenon, the ‘White’ route to atheism, Trump vs. Clinton, Orlando, whether Ex-Muslims are worth your time or not....and much more. Links mentioned in the podcast: CFI panel for Avijit Roy : https://plus.google.com/events/cg3q333nkp1q15lbet77moqs6hg @ 53:30 min Sabeen Mahmud blogpost: http://nicemangos.blogspot.ca/2015/04/sabeen.html?zx=dfde74bf03e45572 Note: this Podcast was recorded a few weeks ago. Please consider supporting the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/nicemangos Part 2 Available here: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/episode-12-part-2-tarek-fatah

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