e8 • the one with the funeral
s1 e8 • the one with the funeral (the one where nana dies twice)
chandler has a ‘quality’. nana has a hording habit that’s a little too ‘sweet’. and, as luellen emphatically declares, “ROSS FELL IN A GRAVE!”
meanwhile, we talk about our own deaths and determine our doomsday podcast plan. leann shares her hatred for the ‘at home’ store. and, luellen shares her ‘thiefdom’-ery ways.
also, we apologize to lowells, red heads and millennials named margaret everywhere.
join us on social media | website: https://anchor.fm/the-one-with-friends | instagram: @theonewithfriendspodcast | facebook: @theonewithfriendspodcast | twitter: @theonewithPOD | email: the1withfriends@gmail.com
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