Episode 11: The “Pace is Pace Yaar” Reunion Episode co-hosted with Zainub Razvi

This is a special episode because not only is Zainub Razvi joining me as a guest host, we are joined by 6 members of “Pace is Pace Yaar” (PiPY). I want to thank two people in particular for making this happen: Zainub for coming up with the idea as well as the most important questions & Osman Samiuddin for helping me get MOST of the crew together.

You can find PiPY on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/PaceisPaceYaar

And some of PiPY's podcasts here: https://soundcloud.com/paceispaceyaar

You can find Zainub on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/zainubrazvi

I also want to say thank you to DeKobe for letting me use his music: https://dekobe.bandcamp.com/album/space-adventures

You can donate to my patreon page if you would like to help me in continuing to do these podcasts: https://www.patreon.com/pakcricketpod

You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/PakCricPodcast


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