Epiosde 36 - A Conversation with Anxiety Coach Gina Ryan from the Anxiety Coaches Podcast
This week I had a fadscinating conversation with Gina Ryan, an anxiety coach and the host of the popular ´Anxiety Coaches Podcast´. It´s a far ranging conversation and Gina provides us with a lot of tips from her own experiences of overcoming anxiety and panic. Gina Ryan is the producer and host of the top 50 Mental Health show on Apple Podcast -The Anxiety Coaches Podcast. Gina is a Nutritionist and coach who in 1993 opened New Health Natural Products in NY and also struggled with stress, anxiety, and panic for over 20 years. Before the internet, she was able to climb out of her fear and panic to peace, calm, and wellbeing by finding what did and what didn’t work. She now teaches thousands of others how to do the same in a fraction of the time. After moving to Maui in 2005, Gina spent 12 years as a nutritionist/consultant for both the Intensive Outpatient Eating Disorder Center and the only Residential ED Facility in Hawaii sharing her compassion along with her knowledge and wisdom of the mind-body and spirit connection helping clients clear their food-related anxiety, obsessions, and compulsions. Gina is currently dedicated fulltime to anxiety-clearing coaching, writing, and teaching clients around the world. She considers her work her calling and lives a mindful and compassionate life. Gift for listeners: Beautiful 10 Minute Body Scan Meditation https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/body-scan/ Website: http://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/intro/ Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/anxietycoachespodcastrelief/id908153168?mt=2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anxietyfreeforlife/ Instagram: anxiety_coach Twitter: @Starlightlife As always, if you have any questions, then do please let me know and I hope you enjoy. Want to get my free video course for OCD and anxiety? All you need to do is head over to my website www.robertjamescoaching.com and sign up for the monthly newsletter. Here I will provide you with information about the podcast, personal stories and recommendations for overcoming anxiety and more. Or you can find me on Instagram @robertjamescoachinguk Disclaimer: Robert James Pizey (of Robert James Coaching) is not a medical professional and is also not providing therapy or medical treatment. Robert James Pizey recommends that anyone experiencing anxiety or OCD to seek professional medical help straight away to get a medical opinion and rule out other conditions or illnesses. The comments and opinions as written on this site are simply that and are not to be taken as professional medical opinions. Robert James Pizey provides coaching, education, accountability and peer support around Anxiety through his own personal experiences.