PureScience: Historic Great Conjunction today in the evening sky
On the evening of December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn appear to come together as one bright star, in an event called a ‘great conjunction’. ThePrint’s Sandhya Ramesh explains what planetary conjunctions are, why this great conjunction is special, and why humans could be making history tonight. ----more----Read full article here: https://theprint.in/science/see-saturn-jupiter-come-together-today-in-rare-space-event-last-seen-400-years-ago/570963/
----more----Supplementary reading:
Space.com | Jupiter and Saturn swing by the moon this week ahead of a 'Great Conjunction' https://www.space.com/jupiter-saturn-moon-near-moon-great-conjunction-2020
Dr. Hartigan, Rice University | Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction Series from 0 CE to 3000 CE https://sparky.rice.edu/~hartigan/public-night/jupsat2.html
----more----NASA Science live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvQgisEBql0
Lowell Observatory live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrRcfaWutLQ
----more----University of Exeter live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfcVvID6xXA