#45: Fat Acceptance a Body Positivity with Virgie Tovar, Author and Activist
Activist and author Virgie Tovar joins us to discuss why she gave up the battle to lose weight and started focusing on loving her body exactly as it is. We talk about fat acceptance, body positivity, smashing diet culture, embracing feminism, Instagramming your food, and lots more! Virgie Tovar, MA is an author, activist and one of the nation's leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image. She is a plus size style writer for BuzzFeed and the creator of #LoseHateNotWeight. Tovar edited the ground-breaking anthology Hot a Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion (Seal Press, November 2012). She holds a Master's degree in Human Sexuality with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender. After teaching "Female Sexuality" at the University of California at Berkeley, where she completed a Bachelor's degree in Political Science in 2005, she went onto host "The Virgie Show" (CBS Radio) in San Francisco. She is certified as a sex educator and was voted Best Sex Writer by the Bay Area Guardian in 2008 for her first book. She lives in San Francisco and offers workshops and lectures nationwide. Find her online at VirgieTovar.com and on Twitter @virgietovar. To learn more about Food Psych and our guest, visit christyharrison.com/foodpsych Ready to make peace with food? Join Christy's intuitive eating online course! How healthy is your relationship with food? Take the quiz and get free resources at christyharrison.com/quiz!