S 015: From Sustainable Fitness to Lean for Life with Carter Good
In this episode we discuss Carter’s story and journey with his own fitness, and evolution into becoming a coach. Carter serves as a source of information, inspiration, content for nearly half a million people. From bodybuilding bro diets, to setting sustainable habits for your neighborhood Mrs. Jones this episode covers some of the undervalued facets of client success and behavior change. You can find Carter on instagram and social media @cartergood You can support the companies that support the podcast by visiting the following pages For Protein, Pre-workout, and Nootropics Visit: TopNotchNutrition.com/Sam For Glucose, Adrenal, and Cortisol Support Visit: http://revivesups.com/discount/sammillerscience Apply Code “Sammillerscience” at Checkout for savings on all Revive MD products