S 014: Transformation Stories, Success, and Shaping Your Development with Grant Dziak
Grant Dziak (aka @grantmeabody) is a personal coach and overall all-star human with a unique blended background that incorporates business, fitness, and Division 1 athletics. In this episode we talk about foundational or fundamental principles for transformation, the state of the fitness industry, and how your story can be a springboard for your success. We also entertain a few tangents en route to episode completion. For more information on Grant Dziak follow him @grantmeabody on Instagram You can support the companies that support the podcast by visiting the following pages: For Protein, Pre-workout, and Nootropics Visit: TopNotchNutrition.com/Sam For Glucose, Adrenal, and Cortisol Support Visit: http://revivesups.com/discount/sammillerscience Apply Code “Sammillerscience” at Checkout for savings on all Revive MD products *This podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services. Any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. All contents and design for this Podcast are owned by Oracle Athletic Sciences LLC. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.