#15 Kama Sutra With Elizabeth McGrath

Today on the podcast, I'm joined by Elizabeth McGrath, author of The Couples' Kama Sutra. She explains the origins of Kama Sutra, how to break out of your sex routine, how to overcome sexual shame, gendered expectations and much, much more. 1.20 - Elizabeth explains emotion focused therapy and how she uses it to improve clients' sex lives. 4.55 - Learn what somatic coaching and therapy is and how it can help you and your sex life. 8.25 - Why getting the basics right when it comes to sex is more important than learning a million fancy sex techniques if you are serious about pleasure. 9.45 - Discover the origins of Kama Sutra and what it will teach you. 12.10 - Elizabeth explains how you and your man can break out of your routine. 19.05 - We discuss sexual shame and how to get over it so that sharing sexual fantasies with your man is easy. 23.00 - Elizabeth explains how 'gendered expectations' often leads to bad sex and how to avoid this happening to your relationship. 28.45 - What Elizabeth tells women who have never had an orgasm. 29.55 - Elizabeth runs through (step-by-step) an exercise you can do right now to connect more deeply to your body and orgasm more easily. 35.30 - Why the best sex is where you're not even thinking AND how to have it. 39.00 - Elizabeth explains what positions are best for more clitoral stimulation. 40.10 - Elizabeth describes the 'Sexy Back' position aka the Poles Apart position (http://badgirlsbible.com/poles-apart-sex-position) and why it's great for lots of manual clitoral stimulation. 43.45 - Elizabeth shows you everything you need to know about stimulating your G Spot. Show Notes Get In Touch With Elizabeth on her site: https://www.mcgrathsextherapy.com/ Get her book, The Couples' Kama Sutra on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Couples-Kama-Sutra-Deepening-Incredible/dp/1943451540/ref=sr_1_1 Email: Elizabeth@McGrathSexTherapy.com https://www.instagram.com/mcgrathsextherapy/ http://www.facebook.com/mcgrathsextherapy We also talk about a bunch of other positions detailed below: http://badgirlsbible.com/launch-pad-sex-position http://badgirlsbible.com/anvil-sex-position

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