#4: The 3 Dangerous Pitfalls That Will Test Your Relationship a How To Deal With Them With Dr. Corey Allen
In today's episode, I talk to family and marriage therapist Dr. Corey Allen on the three dangerous mistakes that can affect your relationship. We dive deep and discuss how to prevent all three from becoming a major problem: money, sex and the in-laws/kids. Show Highlights 5.00 - Why it's not money that causes problems, it's the meaning attached to money. 6.28 - What to do when you and your partner view money in a very different way so it doesn't become a problem. 10.30 - Why you don't have to agree with everything your partner says or does. 12.40 - Why committed relationships are designed to help us grow up and how we need to grow through problems we face with our partner. 17.55 - Possibly the most important question you can ask yourself before you get married or if you are already married: "Would you want to be married to you?" and then applying this question to specific aspects of your marriage. 18.20 - What to do if you and your partner have different sex drives. 21.20 - The mistake guys make who have a higher sex drive than their wife and how it turns her off. 24.30 - Being honest with your partner and it's amazing benefits. 28.25 - We talk about when making a compromise in your relationship is not really a compromise at all. 31.30 - The issue with the in-laws. 33.45 - Why having a great relationship only requires common sense, but the problem is that we attach emotion to relationship...which make things complicated. 36.50 - Why recognizing that your emotions are going to cloud your judgement in your relationship. 38.00 - The main issue to avoid with your in-laws. Show Notes You can find Corey at http://simplemarriage.net and pick up a copy of Naked Marriage at simplemarriage.net/naked-marriage You can also listen to his podcast at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sexy-marriage-radio/id472302597?mt=2