13: Oral Sex (Part 2)
Blow jobs, dome, top, slob on the knob, or whatever you like to call it – this is Oral Sex (Part 2). While Gidget is away from the pod for one more week, Ivy is joined by her friend Kendall to discuss giving head. The ladies are then have a male guest, Danny, on to weigh in about getting his dick sucked. Crystal Sex Toys: chakrubs.com Summers Eve Individual Wipes: https://www.target.com/p/summer-39-s-eve-fragrance-free-cloths-16ct/-/A-75664388?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000aAFID=google_pla_dfafndsrc=tgtaoaCPNG=PLA_Health%2BShopping_Localaadgroup=SC_HealthaLID=700000001170770pgsanetwork=gadevice=calocation=9073456ads_rl=1246978ads_rl=1247077ads_rl=1246978agclid=EAIaIQobChMIxo-f_JSh5QIVhspkCh2nsAntEAQYASABEgK9lfD_BwEagclsrc=aw.ds Follow Kendall at instagram.com/kendall_leighxo Follow Danny at instagram.com/mineralien Follow us at instagram.com/slutshamethis Follow us at twitter.com/slutshamethis Email us at slutshamethis@gmail.com Follow Ivy at instagram.com/itsivylebelle Follow Gidget at instagram.com/gidgetthefidget