Episode 37: Jack Parsons on the importance of mentors
This week, in the second episode of the two-part podcast, co-host Jeremy Russon continues his conversation with YouthGroup CEO, Jack Parsons. Amongst confessing their love for dogs, they discuss the importance of mentors. “Mentors are really important for every single generation. More so for the younger generation” – Jack Parsons As well as the value that recruiters can provide by becoming mentors themselves and offering their knowledge and expertise to youth. Jack Parsons is a 25-year-old award-winning digital entrepreneur and CEO of The Youth Group. He loves dogs with all his heart and believes being kind is one of the most powerful traits you can have in business. His personal mission is to knock down doors for others to walk through after having a tough upbringing himself and lack of any career support from his school. Enjoy! DON’T HAVE TIME TO LISTEN TO THE WHOLE EPISODE? HERE’S AN EASY BREAKDOWN [1:00] The importance of mentors [3:37] Would you allow an organisation to sponsor the YouthGroup mentor programme [5:40] How can we, as part of the recruitment industry help? [7:27] How does someone get involved in being a mentor [9:52] Shout out to who has been a real role model in their support of youth [18:29] Did you take your dog to work on #BringYourDogToWorkDay?