1289: LLVLC Classic – South African Running Legend Dr. Tim Noakes Embraces High-Fat, Low-Carb Living
South African exercise and sports science professor Timothy Noakes is our guest today in Episode 1289 of The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore! Imagine if you will growing up with a love for running and later writing what is widely considered as the Bible for runners in your country. You’ve run in marathons and ultramarathons and even delved deeply into the science behind what you believed about endurance exercise. But then you come across the science supporting high-fat, low-carb diets and all of a sudden everything you thought you knew about nutrition was DEAD WRONG! Well, for Professor Timothy Noakes, he doesn’t have to imagine this scenario because this is precisely what happened to him after he read a copy of The New Atkins For A New You! And although he released his 1991 classic Lore Of Running book with multiple editions ever since, Professor Noakes is now recommending people who buy his book to rip out the section he wrote about diet because he no longer believes it is true. WOW! That’s pretty big stuff and the nation of South Africa is taking notice of what this running legend is saying. A full-fledged low-carb, high-fat revolution is underway like what is happening in Sweden right now and the momentum this way of eating is receiving is raising the eyebrows of the nutritional nannies there. Listen in as Jimmy and Professor Noakes talk about this extraordinary turn of events that has taken place in South Africa. GIVE YOUR ELECTROLYTES A SUGAR-FREE BOOST USE COUPON CODE “LLVLC” FOR $10 OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship GET A $39 BOTTLE OF OLIVE OIL FOR JUST A BUCK GET YOUR $39 BOTTLE FOR JUST $1 NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship SNACK WITHOUT SUGAR “JIMMY” FOR 20% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship TRY THE BEST KETO NUT YOU’VE EVER TASTED USE COUPON CODE “LLVLC” FOR 10% OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 1289 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the new lemon-lime flavored Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme supplement (Get $10 off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Snack without sugar with Nush. Nush-Foods.Myshopify.com/ (Get 20% off your first order with coupon code “JIMMY”) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic-friendly Pili Nuts (Get 10% off your order with coupon code “LLVLC”) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: The world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Get your $39 bottle for just $1 – Professor Tim Noakes on Twitter – Professor Noakes’ ESSM Research Lab