1283: Dr. Salih Solomon – 2016 Low-Carb USA
Member of The Noakes Foundation Dr. Salih Solomon is our special 2016 Low Carb USA guest speaker featured in Episode 1283 of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show.” [powerpress] LISTEN AND DOWNLOAD AT ITUNES Low Carb USA™ is an organization focused on dietary education and support by hosting scientific conferences, providing online coaching and mentoring, and legislative efforts. Low Carb USA™, founded in 2015, hosts educational public conferences at which scientists and doctors present their latest research findings into nutrition and the low-carb lifestyle. Online coaching and mentoring forums are offered to help people learn how to adopt this lifestyle and change their lives. A new initiative is also underway to support a unified coalition of communities advocating science based nutrition advice to influence the USDA to modify dietary guidelines using evidence-based research. For this effort, Low Carb USA™ is joining forces with journalist Nina Teicholz, author of the best-selling book The Big Fat Surprise and the Nutrition Coalition. In July of 2016, they brought together the world’s top medical and scientific minds on how nutrition can treat and prevent serious disease at the largest-ever low-carb conference. JOIN US IN SAN DIEGO, CA ON AUGUST 3-6, 2017 Listen in to hear various lectures from that conference on “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show” podcast all month long to give you a taste of what this event was all about. Today’s lecture is from member of The Noakes Foundation, Dr. Salih Solomon. He will be sharing his lecture titled “How to Change the Way a Country Eats”. And if listening to these lectures gets you excited about attending the Low Carb USA conference coming up August 3-6, 2017 in San Diego California, then GET YOUR TICKETS NOW for this awesome event featuring lots of familiar names and maybe a few new ones as guest speakers who will share more of their knowledge for you to soak in. This conference is great cross between the really science-heavy conferences and the consumer-driven ones for the perfect balance of education and inspiration in your own low-carb lifestyle! Our host Jimmy Moore is excited to be speaking there again this year and hopes to see you there. NATURAL BLOATING RELIEF GO TO LOVEMYTUMMY.COMUSE COUPON CODE “JIMMY” FOR 15% OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship WORLD’S 1ST REUSABLE BREATH KETONE ANALYZER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship SUPERFOODS YOU SHOULD NEVER EAT NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship THE PERFECT KETO SUPPLEMENTUSE COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 15% OFF NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship LINKS MENTIONED IN EPISODE 1279 – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Love your tummy with Atrantil. (Get 15% off with the coupon code “JIMMY”) – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: Get the BRAND NEW 2017 Ketonix breath ketone analyzer from Ketonix.com – SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: GetEnergy53.com – Low Carb USA conference coming up August 3-6, 2017 in San Diego California, GET YOUR TICKETS NOW