Why Fat Won't Make You Fat
For years we’ve been told fat is bad and that we all need to reduce the amount we consume, especially when it comes to saturated and trans fats. However, recent campaigns have switched from demonising fat to making sugar the culprit of weight gain. With so many people weighing in on the topic and an excess of information available, finding out the truth about fat can be a significant challenge. It can be difficult to understand exactly what the causes are for becoming overweight and what the best ways to achieve weight loss are. This week’s Food For Thought is with Wendy Hall who is a Registered Nutritionist and the Nutrition Society’s Theme Leader in Whole Body Metabolism to help us find out if fat really does make us fat. For more information, visit Rhitrition.com and Instagram.com/Rhitrition. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.