Two women with Parkinson’s, 200 years apart

SUMMARY: In the book, “Mary & Me,” author Robyn Cotton draws upon her own experiences with Parkinson’s in a fictional novel based in contemporary times and early 1800’s London, England when Dr. James Parkinson was roaming the streets and noticing a condition, he called shaky palsy. Not often does Parkinson’s play such a key role in a fictional piece of work, Robyn’s journey grounds the book in near-real experiences as she and her characters struggle with the degenerative brain disease.  EMAIL Larry and Rebecca: Have questions, comments, or a story idea? We would love you to click here and leave a message Follow us, Larry & Rebecca Gifford  Twitter: @ParkinsonsPod Facebook: Instagram: @parkinsonspod KEY LINKS  “Mary & Me” by Robyn Cotton – Buy it on Amazon The BC Brain Wellness Program Tightrope Theatre – “Playing with Words” workshops and the more intense “Express Yourself” six-week course with Rebecca Gifford are open for registration.  Thanks to  Dila Velazquez – Story Producer Our Promotional Partners include:  Diagnosed with Parkinson’s? You are not alone. Contact presenting partner Parkinson Canada, call the toll free hotline 1-800-565-3000 or on Twitter you can message @ParkinsonCanada. Thanks also to our content and promotional partners  The Michael J. Fox Foundation Parkinson’s Podcast hosted by Larry Gifford as featured in the MJFF2021 Year in Review.  PD Avengers – We are building a global alliance to end Parkinson’s. Join us.  World Parkinson Congress 2023 – It’s time to start thinking about making your plans to join us for #WPC2023 in Barcelona, Spain for the sixth triennial congress.  Spotlight YOPD – The only Parkinson’s organization dedicated to raising awareness for Young Onset Parkinson’s disease and funds for the Cure Parkinson’s Trust. 

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