A Deeper Look at the Emotional Inner Life of Teaching: The 16 Emotions We’ve Overlooked
The emerging emotional science is clear, we often oversimplify how we discuss the emotional experience of teaching and the emotional inner life of teachers. In this episode, we explore two models that reframe what we often simplistically label as burnout and offer a new lens for discussing what those of us who teach are experiencing right now and what we need as we look to the school year ahead.
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Dr. James L. Floman is an Associate Research Scientist at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. He received his PhD at the University of British Columbia, where he studied the effects of mindfulness and compassion meditation on teacher emotion regulation and prosocial behavior with Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl. Dr. Floman has three core research streams: 1) The assessment of dynamic social-affective processes (i.e., developing and validating EI and well-being measurement tools); 2) EI, mindfulness, and well-being training (i.e., developing, optimizing, and scaling EI and well-being-enhancement interventions for real-world applications); and 3) Affective neuroscience (studying mental training-induced changes in ‘emotional brain’ function and structure).
Jennifer Yoo-Brannon is a teacher and instructional coach in El Monte, California, with over 16 years of experience teaching high school students, mentoring teachers, and designing and facilitating professional learning. Jennifer’s passions include: building collective teacher efficacy, designing meaningful professional learning, and fostering emotional resilience among all educators. She is an Edsurge Voices of Change Writing Fellow and has written for Edsurge and The California Educator.
Kevin Leichtman is an adjunct professor and former English teacher of grades 7-12. He is the author of two books and a researcher in the fields of burnout, mindset, SEL, and equity. You can learn more about Kevin by visiting tlceducate.com
John Griesse has been teaching for 13 years with Fayetteville Public Schools. He spent the first four years teaching all subjects in third grade. The last 9 years he taught in a departmentalized fourth grade. He focused on math, reading, science, and social studies in those nine years.