Ep 16 - The Convenient Marriage
In this episode we talk about how Horry and Rule - two charming and capable individuals - are made even more likeable because of their vulnerability when it comes to affairs of the heart.
It’s a vulnerability that allows our trio of villains (with distinct Dangerous Liaisons vibes) to interfere in their path to happiness. But there’s nothing like getting dunked in a pond to take a man down a peg or two.
And because we can’t have our Heyer novels too dark, we’ve got the risk-taking Pel, the ever-punctilious Pom, and the relatively level-headed Captain Heron becoming the most beset gang of highway robbers that we’ve ever heard of.
‘Marcus, is the girl a minx?’ She asked. ‘No,’ he answered. ’She is not, Louisa. I am not at all sure that she is not a heroine.’
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