Geek Shock 82 -
The name is Torgo....Master Torgo (if you're nasty) and I have a license to fill your ears with geeky goodness. Me and my fellow agents, Dr. Vlarg, 80's Jeff, Kommander K, and Daverator go deep undercover as we expose the sordid underbelly of the Spiderman Musical, whiskey in a can, burrowing nerds, Pac-Man Apprentice, Woolly Mammoths, computer history, space jockeys no more, Aronofsky's Batman comic, deadbox, Dead-Fringe, Community goes table-top, Bond 23, e. coli: the jet fuel, Caligula resurfaces, and web shooters. Big List: Freaky Wikipedia deletions. We may never come back from this mission, especially when agent 00-fatty eats all the choco-tacos.